Zu dem Düften selbst kann ich leider noch nichts sagen. Ich hoffe aber, dass ich bald die Chance haben werde, sie zu testen. Dann werde ich natürlich Kommentare zu den einzelnen Düften verfassen.
Hier ist die Legende für die Pfötchen.
Hier also der ausgefüllte Fragebogen von Organic Glam:
note: By filling out this form and sending it back to me you give me
your consent to publish your replies on my blog
Please answer truthfully and please do not modify the questions in any way.
1. Does your company test its finished products, or ingredients in its products, on animals?
2. Does your company commission other companies to test your products, or ingredients in your products, on animals?
3. Does your company allow that its finished products or components thereof be tested on animals by sub-contractors?
4. Does your company sell its finished products or components thereof in shops in China (owned or not owned by the company)?
Does you company have an explicit policy about working only with
suppliers who 1. don’t test on animals and 2. don’t commission other
companies to test on animals? "YES"
Do any of your finished products or components thereof contain animal
derived ingredients (including – but not limited to – milk, beeswax,
gelatine, lard, honey or lanoline)? "OG Organic Glam: NO"
7. Can your company rule out that any of the ingredients
purchased from a supplier are animal derived?
8. Is your company owned by another company or is it fully independent?
"The Organic Pharmacy Ltd. Is independent"
9. Is your company certified through IHTK, HCS, The Vegan Society, etc?
(If it isn’t, it would be great if you could offer a short explanation as to why not)
Was meint ihr dazu?
Schreibt mir :-)
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